Agronomy and Soils Dissertation Example

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Free Agronomy and Soils Dissertation Example

Critique on a Professional Journal Institution Affiliation Course Professor Date Abstract This article critiques a professional journal in the field of Agriculture on the subject of Agronomy and Soils. The journal is about, the influence of Nitrogen and Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton Canopy Reflectance Measurements by Foote et al. (2016). This article starts with the bibliographical entry. This section contains details of the journal in question. The problem section follows the bibliographical entry. Here, the problem statement is stated and evaluated in the following areas; whether it is clear and concise, whether it agrees with the title and if it has any educational significance. The subsequent sections are; the purpose, the objectives, the review of literature, the procedures, the findings, the summary, the conclusion and the recommendations respectively. All these sections are each criticized uniquely to evaluate their relevance and ascertain that they have attained the standard requirements. The article concludes with an overall critique section. Under this section, the weaknesses and strengths of the journal article are highlighted. Bibliographical Entry Foote et al. (2016). Agronomy and Soils: Influence of Nitrogen and Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton Canopy Reflectance Measurements. The Journal of Cotton Science, 20:1–7. Problem The reason this research was conducted was to be able to establish the influence ‘Mepiquat Chloride’ has on the indices which are vegetative in nature of the two reflectance measurement instruments, ‘the GreenSeeker sensor’ and ‘SPAD meter.’ This is because the possible confounding of the normalized difference vegetative index is undocumented. Comments: The problem was stated following a clear foundation of the topic in the introduction. The problem was also concisely stated. The problem statement agrees with the title of the study although it bases itself on the effects of Mepiquat Chloride alone without men...
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