Applications of Endogenous Rhizobacteria Dissertation Example

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Free Applications of Endogenous Rhizobacteria Dissertation Example

Literature Review Student’s Name Institution Abstract In this agricultural era, cultivation indiscriminate the application of fertilizers, more especially, the phosphorus and nitrogenous, which has led to the increased pollution of water, soil, and air. The use of natural fertilisers that are rich in microorganisms such as PGPR, and AMF, could be the best way of solving such challenge. These agents are quite significant in reducing or eliminating plant pathogens, which significantly lower yield. In Tomato and Lentil, these agents, PGPR and AMF have been demonstrated to be effective in promoting growth, development, and yield. The agents mainly act by competition, to eliminate plant pathogens that could lower productivity. Additionally, the release of some allelochemicals by these agents, induce the productivity of secondary metabolites in plants, which aid in the fight against plant diseases in Lentils and Tomato. Keyword; isolation, Fusarium, oxysporum, lentil crops, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Applications of Endogenous Rhizobacteria and Mycorrhizae Isolated from Some Plants for Antagonism of Plant Diseases and Growth Promoting of Tomato and Lentil Introduction In this agricultural era, cultivation indiscriminate the application of fertilizers, more especially, the phosphorus and nitrogenous, which has led to the increased pollution of water, soil, and air. Excessive use of chemicals exerts disadvantageous effects on the soil microorganisms, affecting the fertility abilities of the soil and also polluting the environment. With such pollutions and availability of other plant diseases, farmers, more especially those dealing with tomatoes and Lentil are most likely to experience substantial loses. Therefore, finding a means of alleviating these problems, like for instance, using the Endogenous Rhizobacteria and Mycorrhizae Isolated from some plants to fight off the diseases could be of great benefit to the farmers ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_...
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