Caregiving Dissertation Example

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Free Caregiving Dissertation Example

Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Caregiving Caregiving especially to the elderly individuals can be demanding and stressful and is determined by the patient’s condition; therefore, it is necessary to extend support and financial incentives to the caregivers. Caring for an elderly parent especially those with chronic diseases may affect the economic status and the health of the family. Research indicates that caregiving can have adverse effects both on the physical and health conditions of the caregiver’s offspring or partner. Caregiving is associated with two major concerns; first, the caregivers are secondary patients. The role they play puts them at high risk of adverse events caused by stress and other forms of injury. Secondly, caregivers are often unpaid; thus, they should learn how to be competent and safely work as volunteers in the families. Statistics indicate that there are over 44 million caregivers and the value of their outstanding services add up to $275 billion (Ziemba 3). Several studies suggest in every ten caregivers four of them spend more than five years caring for an elderly family member, and two of them spend more than a decade. Most caregivers spend more than forty hours a week attending to the patients. Caregivers are indirect patients who require attention and protection from emotional danger. They should receive an intervention that will help them reduce stress level and improve their general well-being (Chatterjee 5). The caregivers should also obtain information that will make them more confident and competent to reduce their workload and increase their control and certainty. Additionally, it will be necessary to provide the caregivers with financial incentives to cater for their unpaid situation and reduce the demands and stress associated with caregiving (Heller 7). However, economic intervention may be difficult as some people may argue that it is a family responsibility to care for their relatives. In conclusion, the tasks a...
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