Glossary of terms for values Dissertation Example

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Free Glossary of terms for values Dissertation Example

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Glossary of terms for values Values and ethics are vital for both professional and personal success. They guide the way an individual carries him or herself and the way he or she interacts with others. Values are defined as the rules that guide an individual to determine whether a particular action is right or wrong. On the other hand, ethics is a formally codified behavior that a particular group of professionals upholds. People with strong values are always motivated to do the right thing at all times even when there is no one watching them. Such people are easily recognizable by their deeds. Professional values are motivated by different factors that include the family, spiritual beliefs and what one learns before joining the profession (Bowman and Menzel 98). Every professional group has different values and ethics that guide them in their day to day activities. For example, there are values medical professionals must follow that guides them in their professional practices. The same applies to the military and other professional groups. This paper is going to take a look at the glossary of terms for values in the public administration. Faith is among the top 10 values I believe to be critical. Faith is an important value in any professional. It helps people to acquire a sense of belief in achieving whatever their profession requires of them. Without faith, employees would not feel motivated in the achievement of the goals and objectives of their professionalism. Persistence is also one of the most critical values employees should possess. It is one of the most basic ingredients one can possess in order to have a successful career. Employees should always push themselves hard so that they can achieve new records. In most professions, many people tend to always forget this value. People tend to get discouraged and lose hope whenever things are not happening as they would like. Employees who are successful in...
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