Homeostasis Dissertation Example

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Free Homeostasis Dissertation Example

THE EFFICIENCY OF HOMEOSTATIC RESPONSES FOR OXYGEN DEPRIVATION DURING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES by Name Course Details Professor’s Name University City, State Date Word count: 1661 Introduction Oxygen’s presence in the atmosphere endeared the creation of organisms that could use it to balance out the atmospheric composition. Since its escape into the atmosphere from oxygen-producing organisms some 2 to 3 billion years past, it has found utility in constituting about 65 percent of an adult human’s body (Sen & Packer, 2000, 653S). Since it is an extraneous fuel for human bodies, its usage relies on the body’s balance of oxidative stress and anaerobic respiration. Therefore, the homeostatic framework within which oxygen operates in the body is subject to an individual’s physiologic processes that demand or dump oxygen from the body (Maltepe & Saugstad, 2009, 261). The respiratory and cardiac systems are responsible for supplying oxygen to the body. Performance metrics of the respiratory systems include the respiratory volumes and rates while cardiac measures include the heart rate and blood pressure. However, these measures vary in persons presenting with various pathologies (Maltepe & Saugstad, 2009, 262,). Research encourages combined physical activity and dietary lifestyle changes to avoid metabolic diseases that might affect oxygen homeostasis (Boule et al., 2005, 108). However, with increased exercise, oxygen is increasingly fed into mitochondrial electron transport chain to be converted into toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) as it converts ADP to ATP (Maltepe & Saugstad, 2009, 261). As such, with prolonged physical activity, oxygen demand could be indicative of the efficiency of the physiologic processes of its metabolism and homeostasis. This research intends to look into the formerly stated hypothesis through metering respiratory and cardiac strain with maintained physical activity in relation to demographic and behavioural facto...
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