Legal systems in Qatar Dissertation Example

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Free Legal systems in Qatar Dissertation Example

Memorandum To: Mr. Lawrence Jefferson, Managing Partner, Boston Consulting Group Subject: Qatari Legal System I am indebted for the privilege to share a brief report about legal systems in Qatar. To begin with, Qatar, a peninsula, is located on the west coast of Arabian Gulf, with a total area of approximately 11500-kilometer square. Arabic is the official language in Qatari, though English is spoken and Islamic is the religion. Common law and Civil law legal system are Qatari source of legislation, with French foundations. Modern legislation process in Qatar commenced in the year 1961, covering economic, political, and social activities. Under the legal system in Qatar, it is structured into segments like constitution, environment, legislation, judicial, civil, commercial companies, tax, customs, labor, or agency law. The English at Qatar financial center where laws applied is perfect for foreigners conducting trading activities. The constitution of Qatar and laws like 9/1970-Shura Council election organization are the essential elements that organize the legislative authority systems. Qatar state has a hereditary monarchy where Al Thani family is the rulers. Powers get distributed in the government branches which constitute of three types namely executive, judicial and legislative. Under the executive, Emir the monarch is in charge of state and the head of government. Emir has prominent power, a prime minister in charge of Qatar administration and obeys Islamic law or the Shari’a. The house of Thani established a dynasty late 19th century and took absolute power when Qatar gained its independence in 1971 from the British. The judicial system is another branch that verifies law interpretations in supreme constitutional court. The judicial branch got formed in 1999 where the Emir appoints members, and it is organized in three systems. Courts of justice are the supreme judicial authority, followed by Appeal court of justice and ...
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