Psychology Dissertation Examples

Summary of counseling session one Name Institution Abstract This paper will contain a summary of a counseling session that covers the issue of time management. I I’m a student, and I have been finding it hard to manage my time well where at times I find it hard to accomplish the assignments ...

  • Words: 275
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A Suicidal Teen Name Institution A Suicidal Teen Q1 Teen attempts to committing suicide are real and sometimes devastating to hear of any effort attached to such actions. In reality, no child should contemplate for not deserving to live like Antony is insinuating. Antony is just a young...

M5 Discussion: The Ins and Outs of Pain Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Part A The discussion correctly attributes pain to the body’s response to physical stimuli as a way of alerting the brain of an injury. This reveals that the primary purpose of pain is to warn the brain of an ...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 1
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Youth Suicide: Literature Review Name Institution Affiliation Abstract Statistics show that an individual normally dies after every 16 minutes intentionally through suicide across the globe hence one can’t deny that it is a societal anomaly (Ishaq & Shah, 2014). Literature reveals that the...

The four Dimensions of Behavior Name Institutional Affiliation The four Dimensions of Behavior Adopted from Chatterton & Wilson (2014) The first dimension when looking at individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders is the actor. The focus in this level is to understand the pe...

Effect of Multitasking on Academic Achievement Name Institution Abstract Educational achievement is a topic that has been of great interest to parents, educators, and researchers, and one way through which educational achievement has been affected is through technology use. There is superfluou...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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Teen Suicide Student’s Name Institution The U.S Center for Disease Control and Prevention identified teen suicide as a significant health problem among young people. In particular, approximately one million (8%) of young citizens, aged between 15 to 24, attempt suicide annually; and this re...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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Gender Equality and Inequality in the World Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Word Count = 495 Gender Equality and Inequality in the World Gender means the classification of living organisms or species into basic feminine or masculine groups according to their behavior, culture, ...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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Child abuse Name Institution Child abuse Child abuse is a major social problem in our society. And some of the impacts on the victim are; death, life repercussion where they become aggressive in adulthood. Some of the forms of child abuse or maltreatment are; neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abu...

Maternal Health Problems Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Maternal Health Problems Maternal health can be defined as the health status of women when they are pregnant, after conceiving and during the postpartum period. During this time, women’s body is prone to diseases,...

Treatment Approaches for People Addicted to Substances Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Treatment Approaches for People Addicted to Substances Introduction Finding the best treatment for substance addiction is a problem that affects addicts and their family members. Some people spe...

REM sleep Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Sleep plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body. It takes place in five main stages namely stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4 and the final stage known as REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep). The current essay discusses RE...

  • Words: 1375
  • Pages: 5
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What Makes a Good Marriage? Name Institutional affiliation What Makes a Good Marriage? Marriage is expected to be a long-term, open to the public and powerful bond between two people, who decided to live together from now on up until their lives end. However, nowadays the concept of marrying i...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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Name Professor’s Name Course Date There is no single best way to better learning, every learner learns differently, and owing to this reason, the best way to learn is to maximize on one’s strengths. I tend to believe that I am a visual learner. In many of my lectures, especially science an...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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