The Relationship between Retention Rates Dissertation Example

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Free The Relationship between Retention Rates Dissertation Example

The Relationship between Retention Rates for College Freshmen and High School Preparatory Programs Name Institution The Relationship between Retention Rates for College Freshmen and High School Preparatory Programs The rate at which students remain in college after admission has been raising a lot of questions for some years. There is data that shows that the percentage of students continuing in college until they finish their college education has been reducing over time. While the learners transition successfully from high school to college, they do not pursue their education to completion. A study on the reason that leads to the low academic persistence was the focus of Burrus et al. 2013. He looks at the various reasons that lead to the low level of university persistence in colleges and mentions issues the environmental factors, the institutional and personal characteristics. Burrus et al. (2013) developed a longitudinal theory that explained how individual and institution interactions might contribute to the choice to pursue and finish their studies while in college. The two most important aspects that affect the decisions are the social and the academic integration. The level of integration into the college educational environment would have an important effect on their commitment to completing their education. Students that have a high commitment would persist in their academic endeavor while those with low integration would seldom continue in their studies. About the arguments that Burrus et al. (2013) provides (Dyce Albold, & Long, 2013) states that five factors would influence the student’s persistence. She looks at aspect such as academic development, student development, intellectual development, institutional goals. Further, Burrus looks at the background characteristics that affect the persistence of the leaners in colleges. He looks at factors such as the family academic status, the financial elements, and the non-economic factors....
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