Traits of a Good Critical Thinker Dissertation Example

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Free Traits of a Good Critical Thinker Dissertation Example

Traits of a Good Critical Thinker Student’s Name Institution   Thinking critically is the ability to clearly analyze a concept and present evidence for the ideas you have and understanding the connection between the ideas in a logic manner. It requires one to use the ability to reason and rigorously question ideas and approach the problem in a systematic and consistent manner (Clifford, Boufal & Kurtz, 2004). In the video, the short woman with blackish hair is very curious and seeks to know the problem through observation and thoughtful questioning as she tries to explore the possibilities and alternatives to getting the missing shoes. When she identified the problem, she analyzed it and quickly came out with the idea that would help locate the shoes. The lady asks the tall lady with the brown hair whether she had tried to locate the shoes in the cabby. This shows that the woman is very creative and quick decision maker because the ideas she generated were useful and relevant to the problem at hand as the shoes are found. Critical thinking is thinking about the problem occupying the mind presently so as to come to the best conclusion possible. She is also very open-mindedness and this trait helps her relate well and listen to each other in order to come up with the solution. Her colleague also shows her listening skills, how flexible she is to adapt and put up the ideas she is given. Initially, her emotions would not let her locate the shoes because she never took her time to analyze the situation at hand. A creative thinker seeks to solve the problem and come up with long-term solutions. The short lady is able to evaluate the facts of the problem at hand and all available data that could help solve the problem of missing items among the children. She used the relationship between children and colors to come up with the creative decision. Critical thinking will help in my career growth as it will enable me to generate new and decisive ideas. I will...
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