Treatment approaches for people addicted to substances Dissertation Example

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Free Treatment approaches for people addicted to substances Dissertation Example

Treatment Approaches for People Addicted to Substances Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Treatment Approaches for People Addicted to Substances Introduction Finding the best treatment for substance addiction is a problem that affects addicts and their family members. Some people spend so much time shifting from one intervention program to another without yielding any positive results. This paper is an annotation of three peer-reviewed articles that discuss treatment approaches for people with addiction. Glasner-Edwards and Rawson’s (2010) article discusses the evidence-based practices in addiction; Jhanjee (2014) provides research on psychosocial interventions to substance addiction while Winters, Botzet, and Fahnhorst (2011) analyze treatment approaches for adolescents addicted to substances. These articles are relevant in the research of treatment approaches to individuals with addiction problems since they provide detailed and comprehensive research-based information and policy recommendations. Evidence-Based Practices in Addiction Treatment by Glasner-Edwards and Rawson Glasner-Edwards and Rawson (2010) discuss the concepts of “Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) as used by providers, regulators, managers, and payers. They also analyze the different EBP concepts used in the psychosocial treatment of addiction and how they are used to treat various types of substance use disorders. Glasner-Edwards and Rawson (2010), therefore, review the EBPs and issue recommendations that could inform public policy. Glasner-Edwards and Rawson (2010) define EBP as the incorporation of clinical expertise as well as patient values with the best research evidence. EBPs are used to treat drug and substance addicts in the community setting through interventions such as the contingency management and the 12-step facilitation. Nevertheless, the research indicates that some of the treatment approaches are not considered as EBPs because they are ineffective in treat...
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