Vocabulary Dissertation Example

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Free Vocabulary Dissertation Example

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date of Submission Vocabulary 1. A. Primary (noun) B. (“Classic Arguments” (pg.612)) C. “…..the primary source of wealth in the (Finkelman, 612) …….” D. Primary (noun): the major or most important issue to consider 2. A. Compromise (noun) B. (“Classic Arguments” (pg.612)) C. "It was not the first such compromise." D. Compromise (verb): expediently accepting decisions or standards which are lower than what is desirable 3. A. Constitution (noun) B. (“Classic Arguments” (pg.612)) C. “……final draft of the constitution, the very document……” D. Constitution (noun): it the body of the fundamental principles in which a state is governed 4. A. Landscape (noun) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 604) C. “……..great variety into the landscape……” D. landscape (noun): visible features on an area of land 5. A. Slavery (noun) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 604) C. “……..to slavery, and……” D. Slavery (noun): State of working laboriously without getting paid or remunerated. 6.A. Furthermore( conjunction) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 610) C. “….., furthermore, that we have allowed (Finkelman 610)…..” D. Furthermore(conjunction): In addition, Moreover 7.A. Condone (verb) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 610) C. “………condone our lack of prudent……..” D. Condone (verb): to accept something with reluctance 8. A. Public (noun) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 610) C. “The public must decide…......” D. Public (noun): Concerning the society or the community 9. A. Negroes (noun) B. “Classic arguments” (p. 604) C. “……twixt the Negroes of the South (Finkelman 604)…..” D. Negroes (noun): dark-skinned people of South Africa 10. A. Nevertheless (Conjunction) B. “Reflections on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution” (p. 613) C. “But they nevertheless set an unfortunate example." D. Nevertheless (Conj...
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